Chris wrote:
Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:

On Saturday, 12 March 2005 at 21:09:47 -0600, Chris wrote:

Heya folks - here's my issue; I removed a OS from my drive and that freed
up 10 gig. I wish to "merge" the free 10 gig into my FreeBSD file system.

Here's what she looks like via fdisk:

Disk name: ad1 FDISK Partition
DISK Geometry: 9729 cyls/255 heads/63 sectors = 156296385 sectors (76316MB)

Offset       Size(MB)        End     Name  PType       Desc  Subtype

       0      10236   20964824        -     12     unused        0
20964825      66079  156296384    ad1s1      8    freebsd      165
156296385          2  156301487        -     12     unused        0

So - what do I need to do to take the 1st line and merge it into the
existing system?

That depends on what you want to do with the space.  It would be
relatively complicated (but not impossible) to merge it into an
existing file system.  If you just want to create a another file
system, just create a new partition in the partition editor, set it to
tye 165, then in the label editor create one (or just possibly more
than one) file system.  Both here and in the label editor, use the W
command to actually write the stuff to disk.

Sorry for the formatting

Looks fine to me.


I assume doing this while in single user mode. Otherwise I am getting an error: unable to write to disk.
But as you mentioned,. I would prefer to somehow merge it into the current FBSD file system.


I think growfs(8) will do what your after. However if it all goes wrong and your data implodes.... ;)

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