
 I am new to FreeBSD and trying to use CVSup after someone suggested it to me 
on comp.unix.misc.bsd.freebsd.

 My supfile :

*default tag=.
*default host=cvsup.FreeBSD.org
*default prefix=/usr
*default base=/var/db
*default release=cvs delete use-rel-suffix compress

ports-all release=cvs

 I ran cvsup and upgraded the ports that came with FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE. Now 
when I try to install some zope products, I get broken dependencies, and in 
some case (more odd IMO) syntax errors (misplaced return statements) that get 
ignored and the product installs, seemingly without any problems.

 Was I wrong to use tag=. above ? If so, should I use RELENG_5_3 to ensure 
that things don't break like this ? The server in question is supposed to run 
a plone based website, and stability is important.


PS : Prior to settling on FreeBSD, I dallied for a while with OpenBSD where 
matching the ports version with the release version was paramount, a 
constraint that seems absent here. Or am I making a blunder here ? :)
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