
I put in my crontab following string:

# min hour mday month wday command
0     7    */3   *     *   echo "Hello world"

So, I hope, this command will be workind every third day:
3,6,9,12 etc, because at man crontab we read:

<man 5 crontab>
For example, ``0-23/2'' can be used in the hours field to specify
command execution every other hour (the alternative in the V7
standard is ``0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22'').
</man 5 crontab>

But, my command worked at 28 feb, and 1 march.

Other case I type

# min hour mday month wday command
0     7    */14   *     *   echo "Hello world"

And this is work at 15 febr. Is it bug or feature? Perhaps
crontab count day of month from zero? If so, when should work
command if I type directly number of day:

# min hour mday month wday command
0     7    14   *     *   echo "Hello world"

And how will be counted months?

Sensory  yours, Eugene  Minkovskii
Сенсорно ваш,   Евгений Миньковский
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