Chris Hodgins wrote:
Chris wrote:

Is there an all inclusive command to install all Gnome ports from within the ports tree?

Not everything but enough to get you started:

/usr/ports/x11/gnome2$ cat pkg-descr
GNU Network Object Model Environment

This metaport installs the entire GNOME 2 desktop, including
the the most common user applications.  Other popular GNOME
applications can be installed from the other GNOME 2 metaports:

    * x11/gnome2-fifth-toe
    * x11/gnome2-power-tools
    * editors/gnome2-office
    * devel/gnome2-hacker-tools


Perfect - this is exactly what I wanted. I'm a KDE munkie myself, but I wanted to dabble w/Gnome.

Thank you Chris H.

Best regards,

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