On Thu, Feb 24, 2005 at 10:53:01PM -0800, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote: > The problem is that the cheap color inkjets on the market are all > winprinters these days. So you have to go there if you want to print > color.
Over the years I've had a couple of inkjet printers, starting with a Deskjet 500. All of them had trouble with ink cartridges drying out after a couple of weeks non-use. And with that ink being rediculously expensive, I decided not to bother with inktjets anymore. I had a Laserjet 5L for about 6 years, I think. It was still on the original toner cassette when I gave it to a friend. Another department of a company I used to work for designed and manufactured parts for (consumer) inkjet printers for HP and others. According to the people who worked there, those printers were definitely not engineered to last. As for winprinters, I decided not to buy any printer if it doesn't understand postscript. Life's too short to go hunting after obscure drivers. And color laserprinters are coming down in price. I recently bought a Color Laserjet 2550L for ¤ 439,-. Installing it amounted to feeding the ppd file to CUPS. And it works every time. The colour output might not be up to six-colour inkjet with special photo paper, but It Works For Me. If it lasts as long and trouble-free as my old 6L, I consider it money well-spent. Roland -- R.F. Smith /"\ ASCII Ribbon Campaign r s m i t h @ x s 4 a l l . n l \ / No HTML/RTF in e-mail http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/ X No Word docs in e-mail public key: http://www.keyserver.net / \ Respect for open standards
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