> > To clarify, I'm looking for long-term reliability, low cost and large > > space rather than high performance. I have a budget of around $600-900 > > to spend but I would not have to buy a PC as I have plenty of old > > machines (average spec: Intel P3 700mhz) laying around that would=20 > > probably be up to the job. > > You can buy lots of storage for $900... How much storage do you need? > > One way to do it. Take one machine, get 2 large drives for the data, one > smaller drive for the OS and a CD-ROM drive. Send all the data to the > first data drive and configure OS to sync second drive every 24 hours. > > If you have a pranoia about safety of the data on one machine, buy > external drive enclosure. Attach external drive only when it is time > to run a backup.
Oops, that's quite an important bit of information to miss isn't it. I was hoping to grab around 1TB of storage, but I'm not sure how likely this is with the current budget. I was thinking of buying 4 x 300gb drives and a RAID card from Promise. I would then do as you'd advised and put a small 4gb drive in the machine with a mini-install of FreeBSD. Do you think there would be any problem with this? I'd like to get all issues ironed out before I go off spending... :) Mark
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