Paul Schmehl wrote:
> --On Friday, January 21, 2005 03:27:29 PM -0600 PC GURU
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I would really appreciate it if you would take a few minutes of your
>> time to think about this and then email me back with your suggestions
>> if you think there is a fair and just remedy for me here.
> 1) Why are you posting this to freebsd-questions?  Read the charter. 
> This 
> isn't a self-help group.
> 2) Before removing the mote in your neighbor's eye, first remove the
> beam 
> from your own.  (white trash?  They?  Most whites?)
> 3) This is America.  You know, free speech and all that sort of stupid
> stuff.
> 4) Apparently all the white chicks love you.  So at least half of your
> "enemies" are your friends.

Well Said!

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