Hi! I have a FreeBSD 5 STABLE computer which is acting as a server. Because it doesn't need it, I don't want to install all of X -- my goal is that there shouldn't be anything that I can't do over ssh from a command-line.

Unfortunately, Oracle doesn't agree with me.

I need to install the Oracle client software on this computer -- it won't actually be an Oracle server, but does need to be able to connect to various other servers (mostly from PHP and DBD::Oracle).

Apparently, in order to run the installer for 9i, it needs X. But, I figure it shouldn't need all of X, because I intend to connect via `ssh -X` from a different computer which is running X to actualy do the display. However, even once I've installed 'x11/xorg-libraries', when I `ssh -X` to the box $DISPLAY is not set.

What is the minimum that I need to install to make this work?

Ricky Morse

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