On Monday 10 January 2005 05:04 pm, Lowell Gilbert wrote:

> You mean like atacontrol(8)?
> Or maybe you mean something more like tunefs(8)?

Nope.  atacontrol returns information about a drive's capabilities, but offers 
no way to change the settings that affect them.  Example:

    # atacontrol cap 2 0
    write cache                    yes      yes
    read ahead                     yes      yes
    dma queued                     no       no      0/0x00
    SMART                          yes      yes
    microcode download             yes      yes
    security                       yes      no
    power management               yes      yes
    advanced power management      no       no      0/0x00
    automatic acoustic management  yes      no      254/0xFE        128/0x80

shows that read ahead is available and enabled, but I don't have a way to turn 
it off.  tunefs only affects a filesystem's attributes but not the underlying 
Kirk Strauser

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