Is there any reason for not using bind 9.3.0 that comes with FreeBSD 5.3 ?
It can be run chrooted with the same flags you are using.

Regarding your question, I suposse your master server can't connect to your
slaver server on port tcp 53 which is used for transfer zones and
master-slave notifications because of some packet filter. Do you have any
tcp-wrapper, ipfw or ipf rules that may be blocking the establishment of tcp
session on port 53 ?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "J.D. Bronson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 8:04 AM
Subject: 9.3.0 on FreeBSD 5.3

> It compiles fine and runs fine...but I noticed an odd thing.
> When the MASTER DNS server boots up, it fails to send notifies
> to the SLAVES:
> 31-Dec-2004 06:51:33.207 zone notify to
> retries exceeded
> (tons of them..each referring to each of my domains or zones)
> None of the slaves ever see the NOTIFY.
> is the odd part:
> If I kill off named (after boot is all done)...then launch it again,
> the SLAVES now receive the NOTIFYs.
> So its *only* during the boot-up sequence that I am seeing this.
> Bind 9.3.0 starts in the SAME way as the OEM version that comes with
> FREEBSD 5.3 with 2 exceptions.
> 1. I run it chrooted to /var/named
> 2. In rc.conf, I simply specify my new compiled binary
> and launch it as such:
> named_enable="YES"
> named_program="/usr/local/sbin/named"
> named_flags="-t /var/named -u named"
> Anyone have ANY insight on this?

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