>-----Original Message-----
[mailto:owner-freebsd->[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of unixadmin99
>Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 6:38 PM
>To: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
>Cc: Leon
>Subject: Re: VIM
>On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 19:35:58 -0500 (EST), Jerry McAllister
>> >
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I have installed a VIM editor.
>> > When I create a new file with this editor, I can't type anything.
>> > What is wrong.
>/usr/ports/editors/vilearn is what you need.
>"Vilearn is an interactive vi tutorial. There are five short
>tutorials, each a text file intended to be edited with vi".
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Hi Jerry,
VIM uses the pretty much the same commands as VI. To be able to type
anything in you are going to need to type i (as in insert). Use the
escape key to exit the insert mode which you will need to do if you are
going to use any of the following commands; dd to delete lines, x to
delete a single character, w to write the file, and q to quit (if you
want to quit without saving changes you will need to type ! after the q
command). Those are the most common commands that I use, but there are
much more. The tutorial Michael mentioned will teach you everything else
you need to know.

Another nice package to use if you want all the advantages of VIM in a
graphical interface is GVIM. This site
/tutorials/gvim/gvim.html) will give you a good introduction to the gvim

Hope that helps.


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  • Re: VIM Butterworth, Thaddaeus (Manpower Contract)

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