On Mon, 15 Nov 2004, Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. wrote:

Cyber Dog wrote:

        I'm working with a server currently running FreeBSD 4.6.  Clearly it
hasn't been updated too recently, and I've made it my goal to bring it into
the present.  This would be my first time rebuilding a FreeBSD OS.  I
started out by clearing out /usr/src, and doing a fresh cvsup with the
following supfile:


[more snip]

Stop in /usr/src.

As you can see, something's amiss here.  I don't understand why there would
be any inconsistencies...as I said; I did a fresh CVSup (multiple times in
fact).  Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Hi, Matt:

I'm certainly not an expert here, but it seems like
it's an awful long way from 4.6 to 4.10. Have you tried an intermediate update, say, 4.6 to 4.7
[or 4.8]?

So many changes occur over time; and by the time 4.10
came out, 4.6 was very old*; so it's entirely possible that
you might need to do a cvsup/buildworld routine to
something a little closer to your box's date prior to
attempting (and having any success) with 4.10.  You
might try changing the 'cvs tag' in your supfile to
RELENG_4_7 or RELENG_4_8 and going again....

Kevin Kinsey

*and probably past it's "EOL".  Whether or not, I'm sure
it'd be nice if it _would_ build, but it's possible that the
engineering team was under no compunction to test
a migration from 4.6 directly to 4.10 at the time 4.10 was
being tested for release, and therefore it wasn't (tested) ...
like I said, I'm no expert, but a 'stepping stone' approach
to the problem might work....

I did this exact upgrade (4.6 to 4.10) a while back, and I can endorse the 'stepping stone' procedure. I did a cvsup and rebuild from 4.6 to 4.7, 4.7 to 4.8, etc. until 4.10. It's tedious and time-consuming, but the whole thing went surprisingly smoothly.

Chris Hill               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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