
I am using FreeBSD 5.3-Release and a keyboard USB Brazilian abnt2 layout.

With console it works fine, but when a statrt KDE 3.3 (with xorg) it stops to 
work the "/" button.

Following is my xorg.conf:

        Identifier  "Keyboard0"
        Driver      "keyboard"
        Option      "XkbRules"   "xorg"
        #Option      "XkbModel"   "pc104"
        Option      "XkbModel"   "abnt2"
        Option      "XkbLayout"  "br"
        #Option      "XkbVariant" "abnt2"
        #Option      "AutoRepeat" "500 30"
        Option "XkbVariant" "winkeys"

I have tested a lot of commands as you see ... but none of them works fine.

Any tip about it  (no interrogation symbol available)

Do I have to load any keyload outside X

Thanks a lot

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