-----Original Message-----
From: Henrik W Lund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2004 1:05
To: Subhro
Subject: Re: Panic under heavy HTTP load?


I managed to reproduce the freeze just hours ago, under conditions that 
were different enough from when I first encountered it to make me draw 
the conclusion that the only common denominator is gtk-gnutella (or one 
of the libraries on which it depends - when I installed it, the only 
thing it required that I didn't already have on my system was icu). 
This, in turn, leads me to believe that the freezes aren't (necessarily) 
HTTP related (or even network related at all).

Can we have a package list i.e. the output of pkg_info?

Also can u provide ps -aux as root just before the box freezes.... or when
it is expected to freeze?

In that case I would try to reproduce the same on some older hardware.

Subhro Sankha Kar
Block AQ-13/1, Sector V
Salt Lake City
PIN 700091

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