Am Sonntag, 31. Oktober 2004 00:20 schrieb Paul Hoffman:
> Greetings again. I'm looking to buy a couple of cheap old laptops to
> be used as temporary routers. They just need to be able to handle
> PCMCIA Ethernet cards, not much more (having an Ethernet connector on
> the motherboard is fine, of course.) I don't want to run XWindows,
> and I'm sure 64 MB and a 1gig hard drive would suffice.
> Are there any brands/models I should lean towards? Ones I should avoid?

Bad idea IMHO. I'd suggest having a look at (net4501 
for easiest requirements, better 4801, all in one extendable box) or if you 
need just basic 586cpu-power without extendability and only (well designed) 
ethernet ports see:
You can use any type of PC as terminal to operate these boxes vi the serial 
interface. Perhaps you already have any old vt100 terminal handy.

But I don''t have an answer to your original question, sorry. Although I'd 
like to mention that old laptops often can't handle modern PC-CARDSs 
(CARDBUS), PCMCIA was 5v and 16 bit wide, very slow and really not sutable 
for routing purposes!


> --Paul Hoffman
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