I am installing Oracle 8i (8.1.7) on FreeBSD 5.1

I am following this doc: http://iamphet.nm.ru/misc/linuxemu-oracle8i.html

I get as far as the linking of Oracle 8i, when I am prompted with errors in linking $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/lib/ins_precomp.mk

I know that this means I need the Glibc 2.1.3 stubs patch from Oracle (seen before on Linux)

when I try to run the setup_stubs.sh script, I get the following

bash-2.04$ ./setup_stubs.sh
Setting up patch files...done.
Patching makefiles as necessary:
 checking file '/ora/app/rdbms/demo/demo_rdbms.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/rdbms/demo/ociucb.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/rdbms/lib/ins_rdbms.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/rdbms/lib/env_rdbms.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/network/lib/ins_net_client.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/network/lib/env_network.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/network/lib/ins_cman.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/network/lib/ins_names.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/network/lib/ins_oemagent.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/network/lib/env_oemagent.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/network/lib/ins_net_server.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/network/lib/ins_nau.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/plsql/lib/env_plsql.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/plsql/lib/ins_plsql.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/plsql/demo/demo_plsql.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/precomp/lib/ins_precomp.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/precomp/lib/env_precomp.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/ldap/lib/env_ldap.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/ldap/lib/ins_ldap.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/ldap/demo/demo_ldap.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/sqlplus/lib/env_sqlplus.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/sqlplus/lib/ins_sqlplus.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/ord/im/lib/env_ordim.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/ord/img/demo/demo_ordimg.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/otrace/demo/atmoci.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/otrace/lib/env_otrace.mk'...OK.
 checking file '/ora/app/otrace/lib/ins_otrace.mk'...OK.
Rebuilding client shared library...ld: cannot find -ldl

Now I know -ldl is for the dlopen function in Linux, which are in a different place than in FreeBSD,

my question to you all is, how do I patch these scripts to get around this.

I took out the -ldl in the lib/sysliblist file,

but then I get a similar error about -lpthread

Rebuilding client shared library...ld: cannot find -lpthread

I replaced -lpthread with -lc_r

then the -ldl error came back,

then I retried the gui building ins_precomp.mk, stil doesnt work,
I know that I probably need to get rid of all -ldl references, but when I tried that,
I got alot of undefined references, so should I replace them with something?

Is there a way I can install ldl under freebsd to "fool" it into working?


Thanks in advance...

BTW: please do not tell me to try Oracle 9i, or that I should use another version of FreeBSD, or something like that, I am locked in this hardware and OS, so I need to get it to work with the current setup as much as possible.


after some reading, I replaced it with -lc_r but then I get undefined references to __bzero... and dozens of other calls

I am g

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