On Fri, Oct 08, 2004 at 02:03:59AM -0700, Dino Vliet wrote:
> Hi all,
> I installed Freebsd4.10 from the university network
> through dhcp. I had to alter some settings but it
> worked fine and I can access the internet. I got a
> hostname from the network and everytime I start
> Freebsd, it searches for that hostname.
> However, I will use my laptop now from home where we
> have a cable broadband connection. With a
> router/switch I want to access the internet now from
> my home.
> But how do I accomplish this? Which files should I
> edit and what should I put there? I guess my router
> will be put after the cable modem and I want to give
> the two pc's I have a fixed IP adress.
> Can someome help me with this?
> How do I do that? What about the hostname the machine
> now got automatically? How do I remove it or alter it
> to suit my own needs? I don't know which files to
> edit.
> Thanks in advance


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