On Tue, Oct 05, 2004 at 12:12:45AM -0700, Mark Jayson Alvarez said:
> Hi,
>   I want to use fetch to get some files from our http
> snap server but it requires username and password;
> Here's the details
> username: renem
> password: mhall[;]

fetch http://renem:mhall\[\;[EMAIL PROTECTED]/file.txt

> I also noticed the password contains special characters, but I don't know
> if they'll have to be escaped. Perhaps you do. Any idea? thanks.

They will.  I have escaped them by prefixing a \ symbol before them.  I
suggest after this post you change the password.  Even though you haven't
provided us with much more detail, posting a username and password and
saying "These are the credentials for our SNAP server" is a big security
risk, as someone evil might know you by name :)

Adam Smith
Internode       : http://www.internode.on.net
Phone           : (08) 8228 2999

Dog for sale: Eats lots and is fond of children.
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