> I chose to protect my SSL cert with a passphrase. This makes automatic
> startup at boot impossible. I use FBSD 4.10, and apache would normally
> start via a script in /usr/local/etc/rc.conf. I just made sure there
> was

ehm this is not totally true, you can startup automatically by
havnig a little script that does the following


echo '<passphrase>'

Then there is thingy with the phrase 'builtin' into it. You can change
that so that the previous bin sh script gets invoked and the server
will startup at that point.

For the correct syntax i would need to look into my own configuration
which i cannot access at this moment.

> no .sh script for apache, and start it myself using apachectl startssl.
> The problem with this setup is that if the server reboots in the middle
> of the night the web server does not come on, but this almost never
> happens anyway. You have to balance security with convenience to fit
> your situation, and I chose security.


Kind regards,

Remko Lodder                   |[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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