Hi Gang,

        I have a document with numbered paragraphs, the numbers 
        to the far left of each paragraph.  Is there a perl
        s/NNN/<B>NNN/</B><BR>/g means I can use from the CL or
        as a script to make this doc more easy (for me) to read.

        The document is formatted like this:

1       Paragraph1.
2       Paragraph2.
29      Paragraph29.
747     Paragraph747.

        I would like it to be like this:


        I've used perls subsitiution as a simple command line
        script dozens of times, but this one (yes, I'm using
        HTML) is a bit over my head.  Can anybody clue me in?

        thanks in advance,


   Gary Kline     [EMAIL PROTECTED]   www.thought.org     Public service Unix

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