
I have an USB keydrive with ext3 filesystem on it. I'm trying to mount 
this filesystem on FreeBSD 4.9, but I'm not succeeding. I've seen it written 
in several places that ext3 filesystem can be mounted as ext2, but...

When I plug in the drive, the following appears to /var/log/messages:

Sep  9 14:55:44 box /kernel: umass0: USB Solid state disk, rev 1.10/1.00, addr 2 
Sep  9 14:55:55 box /kernel: da3 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0 
Sep  9 14:55:55 box /kernel: da3: <Generic Traveling Disk 1.11> Removable 
 Direct Access SCSI-2 device 
Sep  9 14:55:55 box /kernel: da3: 650KB/s transfers 
Sep 9 14:55:55 box /kernel: da3: 63MB (129024 512 byte sectors: 64H 32S/T 63C)

# ls -l /dev/da3

crw-r-----  2 root  operator   13, 0x0001001a Sep  9 14:53 /dev/da3
crw-r-----  2 root  operator   13,  24 Sep  9 14:53 /dev/da3a
crw-r-----  2 root  operator   13,  25 Sep  9 14:53 /dev/da3b
crw-r-----  2 root  operator   13,  26 Sep  9 14:53 /dev/da3c
crw-r-----  2 root  operator   13,  27 Sep  9 14:53 /dev/da3d
crw-r-----  2 root  operator   13,  28 Sep  9 14:53 /dev/da3e
crw-r-----  2 root  operator   13,  29 Sep  9 14:53 /dev/da3f
crw-r-----  2 root  operator   13,  30 Sep  9 14:53 /dev/da3g
crw-r-----  2 root  operator   13,  31 Sep  9 14:53 /dev/da3h
crw-r-----  2 root  operator   13, 0x0002001a Sep  9 14:53 /dev/da3s1
crw-r-----  2 root  operator   13, 0x00020018 Sep  9 14:53 /dev/da3s1a
crw-r-----  2 root  operator   13, 0x00020019 Sep  9 14:53 /dev/da3s1b
crw-r-----  2 root  operator   13, 0x0002001a Sep  9 14:53 /dev/da3s1c
crw-r-----  2 root  operator   13, 0x0002001b Sep  9 14:53 /dev/da3s1d
crw-r-----  2 root  operator   13, 0x0002001c Sep  9 14:53 /dev/da3s1e
crw-r-----  2 root  operator   13, 0x0002001d Sep  9 14:53 /dev/da3s1f
crw-r-----  2 root  operator   13, 0x0002001e Sep  9 14:53 /dev/da3s1g
crw-r-----  2 root  operator   13, 0x0002001f Sep  9 14:53 /dev/da3s1h
crw-r-----  2 root  operator   13, 0x0003001a Sep  9 14:53 /dev/da3s2
crw-r-----  2 root  operator   13, 0x0004001a Sep  9 14:53 /dev/da3s3
crw-r-----  2 root  operator   13, 0x0005001a Sep  9 14:53 /dev/da3s4

# mount -t ext2fs /dev/da3s1c /mnt/usb
ext2fs: /dev/da3s1c: Device not configured

# mount -t ext2fs /dev/da3s1c /mnt/usb
ext2fs: /dev/da3: Invalid argument

The last command causes this to be logged to /var/log/messages:
Sep  9 14:57:24 aidamees /kernel: WARNING: mount of da3 denied due to unsupported
 optional features

#file -s /dev/da3
/dev/da3: Linux rev 1.0 ext3 filesystem data (needs journal recovery)

Is my inability to mount caused by this "(needs journal recovery)" or is there 
something else going on? I did cleanly shut down the Linux box where this 
partition was written, before removing the USB device.
Toomas Aas | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.raad.tartu.ee/~toomas/
* Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film.

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