--- "Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Huajian Luo wrote:
> >Hi, 
> >  I have a Compaq Evo N610c Laptop and installed
> with
> >5.2.1 release, The Modem is a Lucent winmodem ,
> I've 
> >installed comm/ltmdm and config /etc/ppp/ppp.conf
> as
> >follow,
> >--/etc/ppp/ppp.conf-
> >....
> >enable dns
> >....
> >----
> >and I run #ppp -ddial myISP and check 
> >/var/log/ppp/log everything is Ok , 
> >but when I do
> >#cvsup -g  -L2  /etc/ports-supfile
> >it output:
> >
> >Name Lookup fail for cvsup.freebsd.org,
> >host name lookup failed will retry at.blah-blah
> >
> >  
> >
> So, your ISP's servers aren't giving you any DNS
> information, or else FreeBSD isn't paying attention
> when it does... <?>
> If you call nslookup(1), what is the result?  If you
> aren't running a local nameserver, and you're not
> getting any response, you should probably get an
> error there, too.
> Another possibility is that you have no real
> connectivity
> at all ... something which you haven't addressed. 
> Can
> you ping by IP address?  Maybe yahoo.com, which a
> moment
> ago was at ?
> >--the question is should I comment out "enable dns"
> >in /etc/ppp/ppp.conf to make it not check
> nameserver
> >, cause when I dailed from windows ,I just need the
> >ISP's phone number and user/pass everything is OK.
> >
> >I just wanna dial to web when I'm at home, so I
> don't
> >know how to config /etc/resolv.conf, cause this is 
> >just a stand alone laptop and the Ip was dynamic 
> >allocated by my ISP, and I pick up the phone an
> >heard "ZzzzZzz", which means I've dialed onto web,
> >and nslookup show me the same problem,
> >
> >thanks in advances,
> >
> >whatluo,
> >  
> >
> If it is simply a DNS problem, adding the IP
> addresses of your ISP's nameservers to
> /etc/resolv.conf
> would be a valid workaround.  I don't know why DNS
> wouldn't
> be working otherwise, *unless* you actually aren't
> connected
> as I noted above.  "I pick up the phone an heard
> 'ZzzzZzz'" isn't
> necessarily an indication of a successful PPP
> connection IMHO....
> Kevin Kinsey
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Hi, thanks for your response
  I've checked the /var/log/ppp.log and see these
weired stuff.
PPP[513]:tun0:Phase:deflink:IPV6CP Protocol reject
close IPV6CP!
PPP[513]:tun0:IPCP:deflink:state Change
Ack-Sent->Opened :LayerUp
should I disable the IPv6 option or not, if so 
what can I do next,

Thanks again,


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