On Sat, Sep 04, 2004 at 11:36:30AM -0400, LiQuiD wrote:
> I have a FreeBSD system that was cvsup'd to -STABLE on jul. 24th and I'd
> like to do so again in the next few weeks.  However, I'm reluctant to do
> so if this new compiler is an issue as this machine is a mail server and
> dns server for my network.

Umm... the compiler update to gcc-3.4.2 went into CURRENT and will be
in 5.3-RELEASE.  STABLE is still 4.10-STABLE (for a few more weeks at
least), and it's still using gcc 2.95.4.

As a matter of policy 4.10-STABLE isn't going to have any disruptive
upgrades of major software systems, unless that's the only way to
solve a security problem.  You can update to the latest 4-STABLE
without worrying too much about stuff suddenly stopping working.
There will be a sendmail 8.12.x to 8.13.x upgrade involved if you
update from July 24th sources, but that's relatively minor, and
sendmail should happily carry on working with no corrective action



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
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