> > Well, png is up to png-1.2.5_8 and if you did a recent cvsup and
> > recreated your INDEXs, that is what you should be seeing.
> OK, portupgrade(1) _is_ looking for 1.2.5_8 but it is trying to get it
> from
> ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-4.9-release/All
> where the version of png is 1.2.5_2, so how to resolve the conflict?
> Seems to me that portupgrade(1) needs to be getting the packages from
> packages-4-stable/All instead?
> > Staying behind is a good way to end up with a security 
> black hole :).
> Precisely.
> > A cvsup of ports-all and a portsdb -uU should be a good way to keep
> > your system current.
> > 
> Will that change where portupgrade(1) tries to get the packages from?

I believe the package updates will lag behind the ports source update i.e.
if you use portupgrade -PP and use packages only there will be the
occasional port that does not have a package available. I'm not sure how
long the lag is... I guess different for different ports.

I think you'll just have to accept a slight lag on when you can update
certain ports.

If this is not the real error I'm sure someone will correct me. 

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