Thanks Harlan for your reply.

More below...

At 01:52 8/29/2004, Harlan Stenn wrote:

>I'd recommend the latest ntp-dev tarball

Why the ntp-dev?

>From what Danny Mayer says, there was a 
broadcastclient bug that was fixed for -Nix
on 2004 March 25:

According to this listing:

there is a 'stable' version as new as 2004 Jun 17.
I am looking for a simple and reliable solution
to use my existing NTP broadcasts (using Tardis)
to synch up my FreeBSD box.  Using a 'development'
version implies that it hasn't been certified to
be used in a production environment, correct?

>once you have it:
> % tar xvzf ntp-dev-whatever.gz
> % cd ntp-dev-whatever
> % mkdir A.x
> % cd A.x
> % ../configure
> % make
> % su
> # make install
> # /usr/local/bin/ntpd -gN -D2  (or whatever)

Thanks for this procedure list.  I actually did
the following:

# cd /usr/ports/net/ntp/
# make deinstall

(went to /etc/rc.conf and commmented out lines concerning NTP,
then rebooted to disallow the ntpd program from running)

# mkdir ntp-stable-4.2.0a-20040617
cd /usr/ports/distfiles/
ftp> open
ftp> cd /pub/funet/unix/tcpip/ntp/xntp/udel/ntp4/
ftp> get ntp-stable-4.2.0a-20040617.tar.gz
ftp> exit
# cp -p ntp-stable-4.2.0a-20040617.tar.gz
# cd /usr/ports/net/ntp/ntp-stable-4.2.0a-20040617/
# tar xvzf ntp-stable-4.2.0a-20040617.tar.gz
# mkdir A.x                    # Why 'A.x'?  Would 'temp' work?
# cd A.x
# ../configure
# make
# make install

The 'make install' seemed to go smoothly , but
I cannot find the new executables for NTP.  The 
old ones from 2003 Oct 27 are still in /usr/sbin/.

When I try to find any files modified in the
past day and run:

find ./ -name "*.*" -mtime 1

I don't find 'ntpd' or any other new NTP
related executables.  Does anyone know why 
I can't find the executables, and why the old 
ones are still here?  Where should the new
ones be?

>And remember that you need to use authentication by default if you
>are using broadcast.
>If you do not want to use authentication you will either need a line
>in your ntp.conf file (I forget what it is, but it should be easy to find)
>or use -A on the command line.

Right.  This is what I have been using in rc.conf:

xntpd_flags="-A -c /etc/ntp.conf -p /var/run/ -l

>It's pretty easy to set up authentication.

Well, I am sure it should be, but I can't find a 
clear, step-by-step procedure for it.  ;^)

Again, Tardis does not have the option for
authentication--as far as I know.


At 02:46 8/29/2004, Harlan Stenn, wrote:
>How about you replace tardis with ntpd?

Well, I thought it would be just a simple matter
to get my FreeBSD box to listen to the existing
Tardis NTP broadcasts.  I was hoping to avoid
all the complications of setting up NTP on 
a FreeBSD box to duplicate what Tardis is already

As an aside, I am very dissapointed that that
there isn't more clear and simple documentation
for FreeBSD/Unix software.  I've found 'man'
pages to be almost useless.  They rarely give
examples, and when they do, they are extremely
complicated.  Criminy, why make it easy for
Bill Gates to keep his stranglehold?

W. D. wrote:
> Harlan Stenn wrote:
> >
> > The timeout on ntpq is strange.
> >
> > broadcast requires auth.  Are you starting ntpd with -A (bad idea) to get
> > around this requirement?
> Yes, here are the lines that I added to /etc/rc.conf:
> xntpd_enable="YES"
> xntpd_flags="-A -c /etc/ntp.conf -p /var/run/ -l
> /var/log/ntpd.log"
> What else can I do?  Tardis doesn't have the
> authentication option--as far as I know.
> Although I have some Pentium III boxes laying around,
> I was hoping to not have to build a complete time
> server--just wanted to use the existing NTP
> broadcasts that Tardis puts out.
> >
> > H

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