You can install the manual pages separtely from the /stand/sysinstall
menu. you will find the option to install the man pages under the
Configure submenu. Alternatively you can rebuild the source tree and
the man pages gets built up in the process. I feel the second option
is a better choice because the stock tree has lots of compatibility
options built into it and then is much slower than a custom tree.
Refer to the "make world" section of the handbook to get further
information and procedure of the process.


On Sat, 28 Aug 2004 18:27:19 -0400, JB Fields <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Just finished installing BSD 5.0.  Had an old CD, made an ISO image,
> attached it as a CDRom to a new VMWare machine, booted form it, and can log
> on.
> It's been a few years, since I've done the install or used UNIX.  I'm a bit
> preturbed since manual pages are not available and I can't seem to
> re-install them with sysinstall, which might not be seeing the connected ISO
> image.
> Any pointers to the step-by-step for installing manual pages?
> Thanks.
> J
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