On Wed, Aug 25, 2004 at 09:11:51AM +0300, Cristi Tauber wrote: > hi all, > I compile a 5.2.1 release's kernel with IPFIREWALL and IPSEC (? > IPSEC_ESP). I compiled the kernel w/o errors i rebooted and everything > works great. I mention that I do not installed any IPSEC software at > that time. I downloaded qmail ? ucspi and try to install. After ucspi I > had to reboot the server in order to start svscan. Now is my problem ... > the server is not booting with the error : > > /etc/rc: WARNING : /etc/ipsec.conf not readable; ipsec start aborted > > (OK ... i dont want ipsec right now) > > ERROR: ABORTING BOOT (sending SIGTERM to parent)! > /bin/sh on /etc/rc terminated abnormally, going to single mode > > A tried to recompile the kernel without IPSEC and even > without IPFIREWALL ... i get the same error . What's wrong ??? > > thanks in advance > > Cristi
I really don't know anything about using IPSEC under FreeBSD, but since nobody seems to have replied just yet, I'll offer up a few suggestions that occur to me immediately ( in order of importance ): 1) in /etc/rc.conf set ipsec_enable="NO" - take a look at /etc/rc.d/ipsec, you'll see that it may be this script that is causing your boot to fail under the ipsec_prestart() function. so setting this option in rc.conf may well give you the desired result. 2) try creating an empty /etc/ipsec.conf to appease ipsec 3) check into any sysctl variables that might affect ipsec in the kernel - set them in either /etc/sysctl.conf, or perhaps /boot/loader.conf. Nathan -- PGP Public Key: pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xD8527E49
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