On Wed, 18 Aug 2004, Terry wrote:

> I'm planning on making two partions for data found on /usr:
> /usr2   which holds ports, src, and obj; and
> /usr    which holds everything else.
> the /usr2 directories would be symlinked to /usr.
> The reason I want to do this is because I have a different backup strategy
> for the contents of /usr vs. /usr2.  (I.e., if there's a disk failure, I
> can get up-and-running fast without restoring (a recent) /usr2, and can
> fully rebuild /usr2 with cvsup + make).
> One directory I wasn't sure about was /usr/src.  How important is it to
> back up?  The only crucial thing in /usr/src that comes to mind is my
> kernel conf (in /usr/src/sys/i386/conf/).  I'm planning on either keeping
> that directory on /usr or scripting it to be copied periodically so that
> it's regularly backed up.
> Is there anything else in /usr/src I should concern myself with?  (I
> recall having had to download custom source patches for certain
> semi-supported devices, and sometimes these would be good to back up more
> frequently.  However, a cvsup of /usr/src would stomp over those
> customizations anyway (or might render them unneeded), so I think those
> should be backed up in a different manner than via a dump of /usr/src.
> Does that make sense?)

Other than what you have already mentioned then no not realy. By the way
I (and i think it suggests in the handbook to) keep my kernel config in a
subdirectory of my home directory and just symlink it to
/usr/src/i386/conf as i have been know to blow away the entire /usr/src
directory occasionaly.

> Does this stretegy sound at all intelligent?  Is there anything else I
> should consider?
> Notes:
> - my /home is on its own partition (not on /usr) for its own backup schedule
> - I'm using dump/restore for backups
> - This is a FreeBSD 5.2.1 system
> - I'm planning on making /usr 4G, and /usr2 6G.  Does that sound sane?
> (I'm making /usr2 larger than I initially planned, but having recently
> built /usr/ports/java/jdk14 which requires 1.7G of working space alone,
> this size seems reasonable.)
> - For now, these partitions will be on the same physical ATA drive.
> - This machine will be a general-purpose server (mail, web, samba, shell,
> etc.) -- i.e., not an X workstation
> I know partitioning schemes have been covered many times over and that the
> ideal setup depends on individual needs.  However, my searches haven't
> revealed any specific information for my objectives, so hopefully this
> question isn't redundant.
> --
> terry
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