> > On Mon, Jun 28, 2004 at 12:13:53PM -0500, Vulpes Velox wrote:

> > > build xorg-server, deinstall it, reinstall, it use pkgdb -uF to
> > > fix :)


    # portupgrade -o x11-servers/xorg-server -f XFree86-Server-4.3.0_14

will substitute the X.Org version for the XFree one with minimal
hassle and automatically take care of all of the pkgdb(1) stuff as

> > > then repeat for what other xorg stuff you want :)

Actually, you should start with devel/imake-6, then do
x11/xorg-libraries, then x11/xorg-clients.  Then update the various
fonts and stuff -- there's almost a one-to-one mapping of XFree ports
onto X.Org ports, except for the x11-fonts/XFree86-4-fontScalable
port, which I chose to replace by x11-fonts/xorg-fonts-truetype, plus
installed x11-fonts/xorg-fonts-type1 after doing that.  The
x11-servers/XFree86-4-NestServer port doesn't seem to have an X.Org
equivalent.  Keep x11-servers/xorg-servers till last but one.
Finally, pkg_delete the x11/XFree86-4 meta-port, and install x11/xorg.

I did have some trouble with compiling the graphics/dri port after the
imake and X11 libraries updates.  That's something that
x11-servers/xorg-servers depends on under i386 arch. You can
substitute graphics/dri-devel, which seems to work just fine.

> > > the pkgdb -uF is important... it will go through and update
> > > /var/db/pkg so that all ports recognize using the new xlibs and
> > > don't try to reinstall xfree86...

If you use portupgrade to substitute the X.Org port for the XFree86
ones as I describe above, you don't need to continually keep
re-running pkgdb -F. However, you will need to run pkgdb every time
you unpdate or install any X related port from now on.

The good news is most X dependent ports will run just fine without a
re-compile.  The only one I had any trouble with was
multimedia/mplayer, and that was fixed by reinstalling.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey         Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614                                  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK

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