----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Jayson Alvarez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lloyd Hayes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Saturday, June 19, 2004 9:59 PM
Subject: Re: FreeBSD weakness(It's not. hear my story)

> Hi Lloyd,
>    Let me share you my experience with learning
> freebsd. I promise you... you'll throw away those
> expensive books that you have bought after reading my
> story..
>     A few months ago, I was totally a Windows user.
> I've already heard about Linux from a friend but not
> exactly Unix.. That friend of mine was convincing me
> to use the same OS he's using but I refused to cause
> I've seen nothing graphical with he's OS(running the
> whole thing in Terminal without using any Desktop
> environment). But then something bright have sparked
> in my mind and decided to search Google for "best
> Operating System". And so I've landed on Windows,
> Freebsd, MacOS and, Linux comparison.. Of the four
> OS's featured, I've never heard anything about FreeBSD
> and so I went to their site to find out more... And my
> journey began there...
>    After finishing the installation of Freebsd(using
> only the handbook and nothing else) I've landed on
> this so called terminal.. Mind you, I'm completely new
> to Unix and I know not a thing, not even the "ls"
> command.. Learning that FreeBSD is a Unix like
> operating system, I began searching google for "Unix
> commands" and I've downloaded something in PDF format
> comparing the commands in MSDOS(which I'm used with)
> and those that are used in Unix..
>    And that's it!!! With a few resources at hand I was
> able to do all of the things I used to do in Windows
> without having too much trouble in FreeBSD..
> Now, I'm still reading FreeBSD's Handbook and I'm
> already on the Chapter 19-Advance Networking..
> preparing my self for a career in Networking being
> just a fresh graduate..
>   I tell you... learning one thing is not about the
> those fancy Documents and instructions that would help
> you out along the way... It's about having that
> willingness and passion to learn that thing.. It's
> about having the confidence that, "hey, if they've
> learned this, why can't I?!" Knowledge is a long race,
> and don't you worry my friend.. you're not the last in
> this race... 'cause no one has ever gone too far..
>    Hope this thought would help you out and all of
> those beginners like "us" whom would want to dwell
> into the simple but complicated world of Unix
> computing...
> Regards to all Mailers
> -jay:-)

You got the spirit.
>From what you've said here, you went at it exactly like I did.


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