for those of you running many windows under X, skippy might be of interest
to you.  check it out.  if you manage to get it working and think you know
what i'm doing wrong, please let me know.   :)    thanks.

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 17:51:55 -0400
Subject: skippy-0.5.0 under fluxbox-devel-0.9.9

hello all,

has anyone got skippy to work under the most recent version of fluxbox? 
the skippy homepage ( says that it

i followed the instructions about creating the .skippyrc file.  when i try
to launch skippy, i get the following errors:

~> skippy
WARNING: Ignoring invalid line: [general]
WARNING: Ignoring invalid line: keysym = F11
WARNING: Ignoring invalid line: distance = 50
WARNING: Ignoring invalid line: useNETWMFullscreen = true
WARNING: Ignoring invalid line: ignoreSkipTaskbar = false
WARNING: Ignoring invalid line: [xinerama]
WARNING: Ignoring invalid line: showAll = false
WARNING: Ignoring invalid line: [normal]
WARNING: Ignoring invalid line: brightness = 0.0
WARNING: Ignoring invalid line: tint = white
WARNING: Ignoring invalid line: opacity = 200
WARNING: Ignoring invalid line: border = black
WARNING: Ignoring invalid line: [highlight]
WARNING: Ignoring invalid line: brightness = 0.05
WARNING: Ignoring invalid line: tint = #d0d0ff
WARNING: Ignoring invalid line: opacity = 255
WARNING: Ignoring invalid line: border = #d0d0ff
WARNING: Ignoring invalid line: [tooltip]
WARNING: Ignoring invalid line: show = true
WARNING: Ignoring invalid line: border = black
WARNING: Ignoring invalid line: background = #e0e0ff
WARNING: Ignoring invalid line: text = black
WARNING: Ignoring invalid line: font = fixed-11:weight=bold
X Error of failed request:  BadAccess (attempt to access private resource
denied)  Major opcode of failed request:  33 (X_GrabKey)
  Serial number of failed request:  92
  Current serial number in output stream:  92

the author's usage instructions don't say anything about actually
launching skippy, whether via a terminal or .xinitrc.  i have the feeling
that i missed a step somewhere along the way.

any help would be appreciated.

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