On Tue, Jun 08, 2004 at 07:51:51PM +0100, Jonathon McKitrick wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 08, 2004 at 02:42:16PM -0400, Joe Altman wrote:
> : Take the side off of your case, turn the open side toward the wall,
> Why against the wall?  So nothing damages it?

Yes; spills, flying objects, whatever. Most importantly, it's not on
the floor, and securely on my desk. I deal w/ the noise by keeping the
fan on my Enermax low; it has an adjustable spin rate via a knob on
the back. Drives are noisy, with no way around that problem.

> : with some space between it and the wall. Especially during the summer.
> My setup has a fan in the back, and also one on the side.  Is that close
> enough?

It's one way to do it. Whether or not it's enough is up to you.

> : I don't put my box on the floor, if you were wondering. I have an
> Mine is in the CPU slot of a tiny computer desk.

Well, the thing for me is to keep the side open, so the heat spills

> : Athlon 1.2, a Plextor CD/RW, and multiple drives in the 7200 rpm
> That reminds me: is a CD/RW a feasible data backup device?  I've never used
> mine.

For me, yes it is. Tapes are, or were, too expensive. The CD/RW I
purchased was, two years ago, about the same price as current DVD/RW
drives. I'd go with a DVD nowadays; pay a little more, but have Gigs
of backup space rather than Megs of storage.

> : range; and of course a gpu, and the psu, and the sound card...they all
> : generate heat. The kicker: I'm on the top floor of my building in a
> : treeless area. I'd rather the heat spill out the side, than have it
> I feel your pain.  I'm third floor in an old house with no A/C.

No A/C? Sheesh. Oh, BTW: if it's an old house, do yourself a favor:
purchase a UPS. There is a webpage somewhere that lists models of UPS
units supported by FreeBSD...I forget where.
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