Luke, If I may offer you my two cents. Many newer systems come standard with 125W power supplies which will probably power the motherboard, that's usually about all. By the time you add several PCI cards and several hard drives, you've overloaded the power supply. Typically overlooked, this one small gadget is responsible for providing enough power to light everything. My advice here, if you are running more than one drive (CD included), and have more than one peripheral device, I would start with a 350W power supply and move up depending. Now I'm not saying this is your problem, however, I will say that the symptoms for failing power supplies can be almost anything that pushes over that last hump. A simple Read/Write operation from the drive or memory could be all it needs to shut itself down. Hope this helps.
Res Ipsa Loquitor, Mark-Nathaniel Weisman Site Master Mystic_One Internet Gaming Server Anchorage, Alaska -----Original Message----- From: Luke Kearney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 6:19 AM To: FreeBSD Questions Subject: Hardware problems or Software problems Hello, I have a server which recently died on me. I believed that the problem was likely the memory as the machine would reboot of its own accord initially when accessing via samba or NFS. Then I noticed that it would reboot when under no load. Given that the motherboard and CPU etc was pushing three years old it seemed like a good opportunity to upgrade to some newer kit I had. I installed a new ASUS P4800 motherboard with a celeron 2.20ghz chip and brandnew 512mb memory. Now again whilst under no load at all it will freeze. The only original parts are the HDD's. My difficulty is that nothing is left in the logs or on std out. If it is the disks I will reluctantly replace but I cannot see why disks would cause a reboot and leave nothing logged such as a time out or anything. Are there any specific commands I can issue during start up to increase the verbosity of logging to try to capture the root cause for this ? Any assistance is appreciated. LukeK -- Luke Kearney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> _______________________________________________ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" _______________________________________________ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"