Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 14:55:13 -0800
From: Kris Kennaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> Is there a known problem with the i386 iso images for 5.2.1-release?
>Not that I've heard of.  The most likely explanation is that your
>download was corrupted, or your CD did not burn correctly.  Did you
>verify the MD5 hash of the ISO image after you downloaded it, and did
>you do the same for the CD you burned?
Not after burning it.  Actually never thought of md5'ing /dev/acd0.

However, I did just download 5.2.1-release-miniinst.iso, and it did boot.  

It appears different from the same thing d/l-ed a week ago, and there was 
one PR about the MD5s being incorrect, but that appeared to have been
fixed before I started booting this darned Compaq.

Anyway, looks as if I'm back to fighting with the 1850, and not the ISOs!

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