[Dave Carrera]
> So if I
> #ee /etc/crontab (I prefer ee to vi )
> Add this
> *     2       *       *       *       root    /bin/csh /root/script.csh
> Save exit
> That should run my script at 2am every morning yes ?

[Frank Mueller]
>  Yes, correct.

I thought that putting an * in your crontab meant that your cronjob would
run for every possible value of that field, ie. that script.csh would run
every day at 2.00am, 2.01am, 2.02am, ..., 2.59am

The line should read:

        0     2       *       *       *       root    /bin/csh /root/script.csh

if you want your script run every day at 2.00 am.

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