On Thu, Feb 26, 2004 at 11:13:20PM +0800, zam4ever wrote:
> dgw at liwest.at wrote:
> >>>user.berklix.org/~dgw
> >>>That's my LiveCD project. Has started only a short time ago.
> >>>Daniela
> I just updated the current list of available BSD website. Since it is a very
> long list, I will not paste the output here, but you can access it via:
> http://staff.mybsd.org.my/zam4ever/
> http://staff.mybsd.org.my/zam4ever/www/link/bsdlink.htm
> Any other website that I left behind?
> cheers

Thats a impressive list. I just have a note:

I don't think Mac OS X is based up on BSD or uses the BSD licence. The
base system Darwin is.

> --
> If something looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck,
> what is it?

A trick question?


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