Hello Until now I tested a lot regarding ftp and ipfw but with no 100% success. What are the correct ipfw rules for ftp (regarding dir and ls, passive etc.)?
System: FreeBSD 4.9, NAT, ipfw, LAN, WAN: dyn. WAN ip over ADSL -- Regards Martin Schweizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> PC-Service M. Schweizer; Gewerbehaus Schwarz; CH-8608 Bubikon Tel. +41 55 243 30 00; Fax: +41 55 243 33 22; http://www.pc-service.ch; public key : http://www.pc-service.ch/pgp/public_key.asc; fingerprint: EC21 CA4D 5C78 BC2D 73B7 10F9 C1AE 1691 D30F D239;
Description: PGP signature