On Friday 30 January 2004 12:17 pm, Jorn Argelo wrote:
> Well, it's really compiling files now, the previous time it was just 20
> hours at the same spot. I guess the blackdown-java version is working all
> right then since it's still busy compiling files.
> The javavm -version is giving a good output, so it's working all right I'd
> say.

Interesting discussion. I obtained all the Sun source and patches and am 
trying to install jdk14 as well, under 5.2. Thus far:

1. enabled option COMPAT_LINUX for my kernel and rebuilt/installed rebooted.
2. mounted linproc with mount -t linprocfs linprocfs /compat/linux/proc
3. make install clean /usr/ports/linux-blackdown-jdk14/

However. when executing /usr/local/linux-blackdown-jdk1.4.2/bin/java -version
I get:

Error occurred during initialization of VM
java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object

Did I miss a step?


Jeff Elkins

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