I this a feature, bug, or just some logical thing that
grep does( or perhaps netstat)?


IP addresses

comp1 and comp3 run FBSD 4.9 stable
comp2 runs FBSD 5.1-RELEASE

comp1 is a bridging firewall using ipfw

A: comp2# netstat -n |grep xx.xx.xx.1

tcp4 0 0  xx.xx.xx.6.54953 xx.xx.xx.12.3551 TIME_WAIT
tcp4 0 0  xx.xx.xx.6.54952 xx.xx.xx.12.3551 TIME_WAIT
tcp4 0 0  xx.xx.xx.6.22    xx.xx.xx.1.1233 

B: comp2# netstat -n |grep xx.xx.xx.1.

tcp4 0 0  xx.xx.xx.6.54954 xx.xx.xx.12.3551 TIME_WAIT
tcp4 0 0  xx.xx.xx.6.54953 xx.xx.xx.12.3551 TIME_WAIT
tcp4 0 0  xx.xx.xx.6.22    xx.xx.xx.1.1233 

C: comp2# netstat -n |grep xx.xx.xx.12

tcp4 0 0  xx.xx.xx.6.54957 xx.xx.xx.12.3551 TIME_WAIT
tcp4 0 0  xx.xx.xx.6.54956 xx.xx.xx.12.3551 TIME_WAIT

Actually..I see the same output on a cygwin machine
behind the comp1 firewall.

So, does this have something to do with the bridging
as I do not see the same behavior on another FBSD
machine that is on a different network?

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