On Saturday, 20 December 2003 at 13:32:11 +0100, Marc Smits wrote:
> Citeren Greg 'groggy' Lehey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> [Format recovered--see http://www.lemis.com/email/email-format.html]
>> Computer output wrapped.
>> On Friday, 19 December 2003 at 17:34:20 +0100, Marc Smits wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am running FreeBSD-4.7-realease and want to create a striped plex
>>> from 2 new 80Gb disks.
>>> Here's my vinum-description:
>>>  drive a device /dev/ad2s1e
>>>  drive b device /dev/ad3s1e
>>>  volume stripe0
>>>  plex org striped 256k
>>>  sd length 78159m drive a
>>>  sd length 78159m drive b
>>> When I run 'vinum create vinum.conf' The message I get is:
>>>     1: drive a device /dev/ad2s1e
>>>  ** 1 Can't initialize drive a: Invalid argument
>>>     2: drive b device /dev/ad3s1e
>>>  ** 2 Can't initialize drive b: Invalid argument
>>>  0 drives:
>>>  1 volumes:
>>>  V stripe0               State: down     Plexes:       1 Size: 152GB
>>>  1 plexes:
>>>  P stripe0.p0          S State: faulty   Subdisks:     2 Size: 152GB
>>>  2 subdisks:
>>>  S stripe0.p0.s0         State: crashed  PO:        0  B Size: 76GB
>>>  S stripe0.p0.s1         State: crashed  PO:      256 kB Size: 76GB
>>> I used sysinstall to fdisk and label the partitions.
>> How?  IIRC sysinstall won't create a Vinum partition for you.  You
>> need to use disklabel, as described in the man page.
>>> What do need to do diffrent to get vinum to use the partitions?
>> That depends on exactly what you've done, but I think it's what I said
>> above.
> Thanks a lot for the suggestion. It took me a while to dig through
> the man page, but I finally got around it.

Hmm.  Judging by what you say below, you don't seem to have understood
the man page.

> For anyone who's interested (I can imagine more people run in to this), here's
> the solution:
> *1* Create a partition using sysinstall's fdisk and disklabel utilities.
> *2* Use 'disklabel -r ad1' to print that info to a file eg:

No, don't do this.

> *3* Edit the textfile with above info. change line with the 'e' partition:
>   h: 20000862        0    vinum                         # (Cyl.    0 - 1244*)

No, don't do this.

> *4* Use 'disklabel -R ad1 /root/disklabel.ad1' to write the new disklabel

No, don't do this.  Yes, it'll work, but it's suboptimal way.  In the
man page it says:

     vinum drives are currently BSD disk partitions.  They must be of type
     vinum in order to avoid overwriting data used for other purposes.  Use
     disklabel -e to edit a partition type definition.  The following display
     shows a typical partition layout as shown by disklabel(8):

     8 partitions:
     #        size   offset    fstype   [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
       a:    81920   344064    4.2BSD        0     0     0   # (Cyl.  240*- 297*)
       b:   262144    81920      swap                        # (Cyl.   57*- 240*)
       c:  4226725        0    unused        0     0         # (Cyl.    0 - 2955*)
       e:    81920        0    4.2BSD        0     0     0   # (Cyl.    0 - 57*)
       f:  1900000   425984    4.2BSD        0     0     0   # (Cyl.  297*- 1626*)
       g:  1900741  2325984     vinum        0     0     0   # (Cyl. 1626*- 2955*)

     In this example, partition ``g'' may be used as a vinum partition.  Par-
     titions ``a'', ``e'' and ``f'' may be used as UFS file systems or ccd
     partitions.  Partition ``b'' is a swap partition, and partition ``c''
     represents the whole disk and should not be used for any other purpose.

Clearly you haven't understood this.  Can you help me make it more

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