On Sat, Oct 25, 2003 at 02:25:54PM -0500, Charles Howse wrote:

> > That's good in one way: it means that your system is actually working
> > perfectly well.  Unfortunately it also implies that the problem is
> > actually somewhere in the network downstream of you.  Since it seems
> > to affect all external users equally, the problem must be within your
> > service provider's network.  The only thing you can do is open a
> > ticket with your support and pray that it gets looked at by someone
> > with a clue.
> > 
> > The on/off behaviour often means that you're interacting with a dual
> > server system, which is possibly meant to provide redundancy, but one
> > of the servers isn't working correctly and the load balance isn't
> > cutting out the duff machine.
> Are you talking about my ISP (Charter Communications) or my Dynamic DNS
> service (DYNdns.org)?
> I have just spoken to Charter Tech Support for the second time about
> this, and the tech assured me that they were not 'affecting' port 80 in
> any way, nor were they using anything similar to portsentry.
> It seems more likely to me that the culprit is DYNdns.org, since I have
> only been using them since about the 11th of this month, and *also* they
> have just completed a major task - moving their datacenter.
> http://www.dyndns.org/news/status/

> Check out all that they did within the last 5 days.
> I have corresponded with them once and here is the gist of it:

Hmmm... It's not the basic "look up the IP number" part as that's
working just fine.  You don't seem to be using their (dynDNS) web
redirection service (ie. howse.homeunix.net resolves to
which whois reports belongs to Charter Communications).

I think that dynDNS would seem to have managed to pull off their
datacenter move without much noticable fallout.  That's pretty

If Charter are denying any interference with the port 80 traffic at
all, then they are almost certainly correct.

I think you've established that your FreeBSD box is working correctly.

So, I guess, by a process of elimination you might have a problem with
your cable router/modem?  Is this a device that has a HTTP interface
that you can configure it with? -- since it seems to be working
perfectly well for all of the other ports, there must be some reason
for it to do nasty things specifically to the port 80 stuff.

It certainly is perplexing.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
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