On Friday, 24 October 2003 at  0:27:03 -0700, Mike Maltese wrote:
>> it doesn't look like the vinum kld is being loaded, since even with the
>> vinum config gone, it should say something like "no vinum drives found,
>> vinum not loaded" in dmesg (i think, please correct me if im wrong) i
>> will investigate this furthar and report back.
> So you've checked kldstat following boot? Does the vinum kld load when you
> manually start vinum? What about with kldload? I just loaded it and it did
> indeed complain of no drives being found. What do the contents of /dev/vinum
> look like?

Given the output he showed at the beginning, it's clear that the kld
is being loaded correctly.  Watch for the next reply.

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