On Tue, 2003-10-14 at 20:38, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 14, 2003 at 08:04:24PM -0400, C. Ulrich wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I was wondering if there is any way (preferably an easy way) to build
> > Linux applications from source on FreeBSD with the intention of running
> > them in FreeBSD.
> It's not completely straightforward, but you can install the
> linux_devtools port, then chroot to /compat/linux and run /bin/bash,
> then compile things from there as normal.  You'll have to install
> whatever other packages are needed to compile your software.

Thanks! I will definitely look into that.

> > My conundrum is this: I want to be able to use a Java (and perhaps
> > Flash) plugin with Firebird on my FreeBSD workstation. From what I
> > understand, a native FreeBSD Java web browser plugin doesn't quite exist
> > and isn't likely to in the near future.
> That's incorrect..there are several.

Hrm. After doing some looking around on the mailing lists, I was under
the assumption that there weren't or that they were unusable. I'd
greatly appreciate it if you could point me to them. Thanks!

Charles Ulrich

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