Here's a strange thing: I have a number of servers which all run a portupgrade script every night to fetch the latest distfiles automatically. I then complete the upgrade when I decide I'm in the mood :)
The strange part is that on some of the servers the script works just fine, and on others it runs, and emails me what looks like a job well done, but the distfile has NOT been fetched. When I then go to do the actual upgrade, the distfile must first be fetched by portupgrade before it proceeds to build. Does anyone know what might cause this? Regards, Patrick. PS: here is the script which is triggered by cron: ===================================== #!/usr/local/bin/bash # Copyright 2002,2003 - Perimeter Networks CC. All rights reserved. # PCR:manual # 09/10/2003 Patrick O'Reilly #----------------------------------------------------------# # !!! THIS FILE IS MAINTAINED BY PCR !!! # # !!! DO NOT MAKE CHANGES MANUALLY - THEY WILL BE LOST !!! # #----------------------------------------------------------# # Perimeter's cronified "portupgrade -Fa" script # 19/09/2003 11:20 ( echo "Running 'portupgrade -Fa' on mars ..." echo "`date`: portupgrade -Fa" echo " " cd /usr/ports /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade -Fa echo " " echo "`date`: Done." echo "That's All Folks!" ) | mail -s "[mars] portupgrade -Fa" [EMAIL PROTECTED] ===================================== _______________________________________________ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"