Jerry McAllister wrote:

SoloCDM wrote:

Why do the ISOs seem to be three CDs of 600Mb each for RedHat compared
to 1.5 CDs for FreeBSD?  I thought the files were larger with FreeBSD
and its tarballs.

Does FreeBSD offer all the packages from A to Z in their CDs?

There are some packages which are only available through FTP. Some packages aren't included on CDs because 3 cds is a little excessive.

Does FreeBSD come with an installation package?

Is FreeBSD Linux or UNIX?

FreeBSD is a child of System V, so UNIX. Linux was written from scratch by Linus with the GNU Public License, as opposed to FreeBSD which originated from BSD, which originated from System V.

No doubt you will hear a lot of corrections to your statement.
That is because it is not true. First of all, System V is a UNIX,
but UNIX is not a System V. You sound like you have confused which
set is the larger and contains the other set. The set of all UNIX contains System V (and BSD and Linux). The set of all System V does

you can't say that linux is unix. both legally (somebody would have to pay) and because it's independent implementation. you can call them unix-like

Linux started with supposedly a "clean" (in the same sense that BSD
was cleaned of Bell Labs code) System V type of kernel and people then
added on all the rest of the stuff, also supposedly clean code.  Now
Linux seems to be in the same place BSD was years ago proving they
are clean and not using any code now owned by SCO.   I have no idea
how clean it really is or how seriously SCO is in its claims or if
it is just trying to position itself into a marketable position.

the difference is that linux started from scratch while bsd started from bell code. not that it makes one or the other better but you can say that bsd IS unix (one of them) but you cannot say that linux is unix.


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