I have cups and samba installed on my FreeBSD 4.8 box.

Samba is working fine.  I have access to my box from my windows machines
for my users home dir and a public dir.

I have not been able to set up my printer on cups using the web
interface www.mydomain.com:631/admin/

I have configured cupsd.conf to allow access to cups admin from my local

        <Location /admin>
        AuthType Basic
        AuthClass System

        # Restrict access to local domain
        Order Deny,Allow
        Deny From All
        Allow From
        Allow From 192.168.1.
        #Encryption Required

When I access cups admin from a machine on my local network I get
prompted for a user name and password.  I enter root and my root
password and it brings up the cups admin page.  This is where it gets
strange.  The page comes up but all the images "link buttons and such"
show as broken links.  When I click on any of the links to do things
like set up a printer or manage groups, my browser comes up with the
dreaded "The page cannot be displayed" page.

I have searched the web for help and tried this example
http://www.freebsddiary.org/cups.php"; without any luck.

Any help would be appreciated.



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