> I am trying to download a release 4.8 of FreeBSD but I am having
> problems finding the correct file names/locations to download 
> the files.
> I can ftp to ftp1.us.FreeBSD.org as well as other mirror sites
> I can cd to pub/FreeBSD/releases/i386/4.8-RELEASE
> I cannot "dir" or "ls" to see the list of files in the 
> directory--I get
> "Connection closed by remote host."  I assume the files are hidden?
> Given that I cannot see the file names I was following the 
> instructions
> and filenames given in the FreeBSD Handbook.
> I have tried to get: 
> 4.8-mini.iso
> 4.8-disc1.iso
> I have also tried getting these images from this path as well:
> pub/FreeBSD/ISO-IMAGES-i386/4.8
> Does anyone know of a mirror ftp that will allow me to see the file
> names?  Or allow me privileges to see and download the files?
> Here is my typical session from DOS ftp:
> C:\download>ftp
> ftp> open ftp1.us.FreeBSD.org
> Connected to freebsd.secsup.org.
> 220 Welcome to mirrors.secsup.org FTP service.
> User (freebsd.secsup.org:(none)): ftp
> 331 Please specify the password.
> Password:
> 230 Login successful. Have fun.
> ftp> cd pub/FreeBSD/ISO-IMAGES-i386/4.8
> 250 Directory successfully changed.
> ftp> get "4.8-disc1.iso" r48_disc1.iso
> Connection closed by remote host.
> ftp>

You're using the wrong filenames.
Here's the 4.8 directory listing:

ftp> cd 4.8
250 Directory successfully changed.
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
150 Here comes the directory listing.
226 Directory send OK.

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