Has anyone got more than about 5MB/sec out of a Mylex DAC960PD?

I have two striped 7200RPM 68-pin wide ultra drives on a channel
(each channel supposed to handle 40MB/sec)

Having one drive on each channel made no difference.

Running the following command resulted in 5MB/sec maximum throughput

dd if=/dev/zero of=/u1/hog bs=1024 count=5000

I tried this of block sizes (bs parameter) of 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16000,
and 32000

Any ideas?

Nigel Weeks
15 Wellington St. Launceston Tas 7250
Ph. 61 3  6334 6664
Fax. 61 3 6331 7032
Web: www.e-easy.com.au

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