V st, 02. 07. 2003 v 15:57, Tobias Roth napsal:

> I just installed gkrellm-xkb from the ports (1.00 on 5.1 release with
> Xfree86-4.3.0,1 and gkrellm2). I can enable it in gkrellm config, but
> there is no menu entry to configure it. The gkrellm install log says
> it installed just fine. The krell where the flags should be just shows
> a question mark.

This is problem with application, I can reproduce it here. I don't have
any Option entries in InputDevice section of my configuration file and
it works. If I use your settings, I too get grey question mark.

Write to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (author).

> Is there normally an entry under Configuration/Plugins where I can
> adjust settings?

This plugin have no configuration dialog, that's intended.

> Is my Xfree86Config wrong?
> Section "InputDevice"
>         Identifier  "Inspiron Keyboard"
>         Driver      "keyboard"
>         Option      "XkbRules" "xfree86"
>         Option      "XkbModel" "inspiron"
>         Option      "XkbLayout" "us"
> EndSection
> Is there anything else I might have missed? Who has got this thing
> working?
> Oh, and the checksums seem wrong. I had them overridden, maybe there
> lies the problem?

Maintainer changed the distfile, I'll send PR soon.

Pav Lucistnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
What do we know about love? Love is like a pear. Pear is sweet and have
a specific shape. Try to exactly define the shape of a pear.
  -- Marigold: 50 Years Of Poetry

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