At 01:58 10/6/2013, Polytropon wrote:
>On Sun, 06 Oct 2013 01:29:19 -0500, W. D. wrote:
>> Booted with both.  Alt-F4 to get to command line.
>> Very limited commands: "ls: not found".
>Try /rescue/ls explicitely instead.
>> Why?  What good are these disks if they don't have
>> the most basic of commands?
>Only live systems offer more than the "holographic shell"
>when booted properly. FreeSBIE has been a very good live
>system in the past, but the current installers also allow
>you to drop into a working shell environment at a very
>early stage (from within bsdinstall).
>This dialog should bring you into a working shell. I've
>been using it myself for disk initialization with a
>FreeBSD 9.1 CD.

Thanks, Polytropon.  I couldn't get FrieSBIE to work.
Hung up.  Used mfsBSD instead.  

Had to use 8.X because 9.X hangs.  I think it has something
to do with my PS2 mouse and keyboard.

>> Trying to clone a hard disk that has an number
>> of bad sectors.  Trying to save most of my data.
>A good approach. If possible, try to obtain a 1:1 copy
>of the disk (or partition) and work with that. Check
>the mailing list archives for further inspiration.
>Magdeburg, Germany
>Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
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